The top 5 things I wish I had the guts to say during/after childbirth 

With the recent arrival of my baby niece and also of Princess Charlotte, it got me thinking back to my own labour and childbirth experience. 

Both times went very well with no major complications, but of course there were just some things I wish I could have said or done to make it a more “pleasant” experience. For myself anyway! 

So here’s my Top 5 things I wish I had the guts to say during and after childbirth: 

5. Please don’t ask me about my life, midwife, right now while I’m dying of pain! I know you mean well but I DON’T WANT IDLE CHIT CHAT while I’m giving birth!!! 

4. Do you have to be so rough handling my newborn?!? I get you are desensitised due to handling them all day errday but I am careful like eggs so you should be too!

3. I just pushed out a 3 and a half kilo watermelon out of my vijay – yes I am going to walk carefully LIKE I AM IN PAIN! 

2. Give me the epidural! Either way I’m likely gonna get a snip anyway so I may as well make it a nice relaxing time a la Kourtney Kardashian. 

1. Just coz there’s proof of sex – does not mean you are allowed to talk about my sex life. Awks. 
And to that end…

No more babies for me thanks! 

At least till I make my first million 😂😂😂
Xx Joanna 

Just to get a bit personal…

This week has been a hard week for me, hence why you probably haven’t heard much from me! As you know, I have gone back to uni full time, and it’s a hard slog with two babies. For real. This week I have 3 major assignments due and a sick little boy (who passed it on to me) and a heartbreak from a friend. It has been a bit of a roller coaster. 

The thing that I discovered thru these little battles is if you just keep going anyway, do what you gotta do and soldier on… They do work out. Whether that be just in how you feel about them or the problems do get solved, you get better and you feel better. 

I think as a mum, we are under a lot of pressure already to begin with, and add on the stress of things outside your family, and it makes for some highly emo days! 


As parents, we do it all anyway even when we don’t even want to get out of bed.

That’s what makes us a force to be reckoned with! And I’ll happily class myself under that..

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @mumstyleblogger

Xx Joanna 

Me & Tata: Meet Sara Frega

In this installment of #TheRealMumsOfInstagram, we meet Sara Frega,
mum of Salome, 3 and Lola, 1. 


She is also a mumpreneur extraordinaire:
she is the founder and creative director of baby wear brand Me & Tata,
which is not only 100% GOTS Certified organic and Eco friendly; they
are also super soft on baby’s skin and features modern designs and

Introducing 'Me&Tata"
Me&Tata’s Pure Collection



Want to win these pieces for your precious bundle? Read on to find out how! 
I came across the beautiful pieces via her Instagram page @meandtata and was truly inspired by not only her amazing skills at designing and producing these eco friendly  and baby friendly items, but to also keep up with two little ones is truly in its own a mammoth task! 
Sara is currently celebrating the release of her new “Pure” Collection, so I asked her to share a little bit about her Me & Tata journey. 

Tell us about Me And Tata?

Me&Tata is an Organic Kids clothing brand with a mission to give the best possible start to every baby. We design stylish and practical clothing for the modern parent who cares where their products come from and what impact it has on a bigger scale. 
Our brand started from our living room after my first daughter was born 3 years ago. While I was on maternity leave with my daughter Salome I kept thinking that I didn’t want to go back to my previous job as a Behavioural Scientist. I loved my work, I was working with kids from refugee background to help them settle into a new community. It was challenging and so rewarding. But after I had my daughter it just didn’t feel right anymore. 

So how did Me & Tata come about? 

 I have always been creative and love art and sewing. My mum is a seamstress, naturally my sister and I have always been around fabric, sewing machines and handmade clothes. 
I started sewing my baby’s clothes and loved sourcing the best quality of organic fabric and finding the most comfortable fit.  As demand grew and I started going to markets I knew I was onto something, and I loved it.
I started researching on ethical and GOTS certified manufacturers who would be able to produce our first collection. It took us over a year to find someone with our same vision. I was lucky to have an amazing team to support my vision of Me & Tata.  

How has motherhood changed you and inspired you?

Being a mum has made me a better and more aware person. I started Me & Tata thanks to my daughter. I wanted to be someone who would hopefully inspire her to be a more conscious consumer and who will ask where her clothes come from and how it impacts workers, families and the whole community.
I love being a working mum of course it’s challenging and I too, sometimes feel guilty for writing yet another email instead of going to the park. But it also gives me a sense of belonging to my ‘new me’ as a mum. 

To help Me & Tata celebrate their new “Pure” AW15 collection, we have partnered up to giveaway TWO pieces of your choice from the Pure collection! All you have to do is head over to my Instagram page @mumstyleblogger and follow the instructions! Make sure you are also following Me & Tata @meandtata! 
Visit Me & Tata’s website to learn more at 
Me & Tata are also stocked at the following stores:


EAST FREMANTLE –  Willow and the Bowerbird 

NORTHBRIDGE – Beau est Mien

SOUTH FREMANTLE – Vanilla Gifts & Homewares

KARRATHA – Bellyfruit

Perth – Max and Poppy



EAST GEELONG – Little Earth Nest



SYDNEY – Down that Little Lane



GOLD COAST – Organic Babe and Kids Wear



Little Earth Nest

Organic Babe and Kids Wear

Max and Poppy

We’re BFFs!

Something that I truly know for real that I both love and sometimes get down about is this: My kids are my best friends. 

Actually that is the most amazing thing, we love each other, we have fun, we have deep and meaningfuls (mostly with my four year old – and sometimes that can still be one sided 😂) and we love each other unconditionally. 

Besides this fact, what I get down about is the amount of friends that I have “lost touch” with, parted ways and drifted from since having my new BFFs. I think all mums can speak with me here when I say, your single, unattached friends live a different existence!!! 

Being the first of ANY of my friends, from ANY circle to be married and let alone have kids (or 2 for that fact) has its downsides. Yes it’s true I can’t just go out to restaurants and splash cash, get wined up or hit a bar. Heck I couldn’t even go out on a shopping spree for any other reason than groceries. Yes I might not be defined in the same lifestyle situation as you singletons but underneath the food stained, milk soaked robe, I am still the same person! 

I know we both have our lives, and yes it gets in the way, we all gotta do what we gotta do, so I don’t blame any of my “friends” that we have drifted away, as I’m sure they don’t blame me for not having time/energy/money. But at the end of the day I believe we will reconnect… When one of them FINALLY has a family – I’ll be waiting with arms wide open to help you brush your hair when the kids have beaten you. 

Until then I will enjoy this time with my kids as my one and only BFFs. ❤️❤️❤️



@mumstyleblogger – instagram

Stay down!!!

I have been MIA for a little while from the blog, but for good reason! As some of you may know, I have gone back to university. And how’s uni with two little ones you ask? 
Carter (age 14months) has just started going to child care three days a week, while I at uni, which is a great help, if not for the guilt and the sick feeling I get leaving him. If you have a child in day care you know what I mean! Isis started day care at a younger age (9 months) and I felt even guiltier then so it’s a feeling that never goes away be it 2 children or 5 I’m sure. 
So like I said, yes it’s a great help, but at the same time, I still can’t seem to get all my work done. There’s just not enough hours in the day for us mums is there??? 
One thing that we are working on is getting Carter to stay down. Every night, after the kefaffle with dinner and bath etc, I turn my computer on and lay out my work ready to tackle as soon as the kids are asleep. 
Carter sleeps. I escape. 
Within 30 minutes he’s up. 😱 
Restart. He sleeps. I escape. 
Within 30 minutes he’s running out the room screaming mama like he’s seen a ghost. 😱😱
It’s by this time in tired. I’m seeing double. So I got to put him down for the last time and more often than not, I go down like a sack of bricks too. 
And there’s another night of “attempting” my school work. 
I didn’t have this problem with Isis so it’s proving to be difficult territory. 
Any mums out there have any tips? Surely you have a 14 month old that still doesn’t go down???? 
Help me get this kid to stay down!!!! 
Comment below, follow my blog and on Instagram! 


So what’s it all about? 

I started my blogging journey when I realised I did nothing for myself – I was just a mum and that’s all I did. I needed a creative and social outlet and most of all to belong somewhere: and so @mumstyleblogger was born. 
I have been so amazed at this little mummy community within Instagram, full of passionate mums, who not only leave their legacy within their children, but also in the various ways they are impacting this world. Whether that be through their home businesses or blogging or by simply sharing snippets of their life for all to see and hopefully find a connection in. It is within these mummy feeds I saw a potential to not only reach out, but empower more women to speak out and be real. 
We all have a story to share and that’s what #TheRealMumsOfInstagram is about. 
In the first episode, we will meet a first time mum, who has chosen to remain anonymous. We hope her powerful story of courage and resilience can reach those who had or may be experiencing  similar horrors in their life or someone close to them. 
Her story will up on the blog in the next few days.
Until then x Joanna 

5 easy ways to get healthy! 

In a previous blog, I mentioned that my husband and I are getting on the healthy eating track. This is a big deal for us. Most of our lives has revolved around eating take away, easy dinners, chocolate bars for dessert and anything packaged. 
Now we see the light and we have been slowly getting the correct foods and the right mindset into place for a healthier diet and lifestyle. 
If you are like us, and find the whole idea of a big change in lifestyle a little daunting, here’s some quick and easy tips for you to get started onto the path of healthiness! 
If you have been down this road and have any tips for myself and my family, comment and let me know your thoughts! 


Obviously vegetables are the number one ingredient for a healthy lifestyle, but we have recently upped our veggie intake and instead of having them as a side, it is now the main feature of our meals, complemented with our meats and some carbs. Think easy Greek salads or Caesar salads with a sprinkling of chicken or Rocket and Spinach with tuna. The key thing we’ve tried to keep consistent as well is to have our veggies raw where possible. My husband always raves on about how the cooking process kills the enzymes and virtually leaves the food nutrition-less. The one big plus which I never ever expected is that you actually feel fuller for longer! When carbs like mash potatoes or pasta were the main feature of our meals, we were always deathly hungry within 2 hours. But not anymore! Praise veggies! Here’s some further reading:


cinnamon is well known for its many health benefits but to get the most out of it, go for organic. I put cinnamon on anything and everything: my husband on his morning oats, I like it on pancakes, add it to your coffee and I use it with some paprika and other spices to flavour grilled chicken breast. The key thing to remember is to use organic or “true” cinnamon to maximise the health benefits. Here’s a link to some info:


Use as per normal honey. However the health benefits of Manuka honey is touted as exceeding that of the regular type. The flavour is also a lot richer and distinct. Think normal honey but with a more mature taste. Here’s a link to some info:


One of the things that are very concerning is the amount of additives, preservatives and processing our foods go through. This is an obviously well known fact but even when you buy seemingly untouched food, you never know where it has been! One thing my husband and I are getting into is buying our produce direct from the source where possible, whether that be visiting the actual chicken farm or to the local produce markets where you can chat to the very people who grew your food or better yet, see the very tree it came from! On the home side, you can even start just by making your own schnitzels, for example, from scratch. Tastes so much better, you know what exactly has gone into it and it actually saves $$$! 


ok so this one is a slow work in progress. I love dessert. I love cake, I love pastries, I love ice cream. But a work in progress means trying to quench the nasty sugar cravings with fruit instead. Fruit is good for you, a chocolate mud cake, not so much. Here’s some info on the evil side of sugar:

So if you have any tips or advice for us, comment below and follow our blog and our Instagram @mumstyleblogger

Till next! 

Xo Joanna

Back to university life: Uni-Mama!

So in a few days I will start my journey back on the uni track. 

I never thought I would actually be back here, but the circumstances seemed like it all collided to create this perfect time for me to do so. And not just that, I really feel like this is the right path for me. People who know me can say I’m a bit too easy going at times or blasé, which I am most of the time towards things that generally don’t tickle my senses. But when I am interested in or passionate about something I am right onto it and I’m opinionated and I take charge of it. Does that make sense? What I am trying to say is that, I am surprised at myself for making this decision to go back to studying and really mean it. I am excited and passionate and scared and apprehensive and really I am a big bag of mixed marbles but I know it’s all for the positive. ✌️
Everyone wish me luck as I embark on this journey! And if anybody has tips for coping with study as well as running a household and looking after two children, let’s connect! I need all the help I can get!
Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @mumstyleblogger ❤️

Mums – this one is for you! 


A beautiful place filled with beautiful people and their beautiful lives in their beautiful houses and perfectly manicured lawns and perfectly polished outfits and perfectly behaved kids. You know who I’m talking about. We love to follow them and we love to envy them and we’d love to be them. 

I’m calling this “the anti-glam mama movement”. Right here in this space that you are reading resides only the real mums.  

The mums who haven’t had a shower in days just coz there’s far more important things to get thru. 
The mums who cannot resist the urge to spend all their money on stuff for the kids and is still wearing the same clothes from before the kids were even born. 
Let’s give praise to these mamas because they are overlooked! They don’t have shiny, perfectly curated Instagram feeds. They don’t have designer threads or on point eyebrows to show off. And they definitely don’t have thousands plus followers.
 But they do need to be recognised! 
So here’s your badge of honour and formal recognition. YOU ARE AWESOME! Keep up the great work raising the humans of tomorrow and I promise, you will get to brush your hair again one day! ✌️

Inspirations found on Instagram

I have recently been discovering some gorgeous small businesses on Instagram who make an array of handcrafted goods for the family and the home.

Most of these businesses are ventures of fresh, fun and most of all inspirational women who I myself look up to. I don’t think there’s anything more fascinating than a woman who is a go-getter and is not afraid to share her talent with the world.

Blessthisnestau is an Etsy business who creates amazing handmade jewellery. Created by the lovely Kayla, her style oozes delicate charm with a twist of fun and flirty.



Her workmanship is second to none and love is given to every stitch and knot within each piece. Not one from a production line, you can revel in the fact that your piece is unique and one of a kind.



You can follow her creations on Instagram @blessthisnestau and her wares are available on

One for the brides to be is event stationery business Xkwizit Occasions. Founded by two newly weds Michelle and Katrina, they saw a gap in the ever pricey wedding invitation market for quality pieces with all the trimmings at an affordable price. These lovely ladies stand out in their market for their personal service and their own experience in planning weddings.



All style are fully customisable and they pride themselves in providing the bride with her dream invitation without breaking that ever elusive wedding budget.



You can follow their creations on Instagram @xkwizitoccassions and contact them via Facebook

See you on my next post!

Xo Joanna

Make sure you click follow on my blog and on Instagram @mumstyleblogger and Twitter @mrsjoannaross