The top 5 things I wish I had the guts to say during/after childbirth 

With the recent arrival of my baby niece and also of Princess Charlotte, it got me thinking back to my own labour and childbirth experience. 

Both times went very well with no major complications, but of course there were just some things I wish I could have said or done to make it a more “pleasant” experience. For myself anyway! 

So here’s my Top 5 things I wish I had the guts to say during and after childbirth: 

5. Please don’t ask me about my life, midwife, right now while I’m dying of pain! I know you mean well but I DON’T WANT IDLE CHIT CHAT while I’m giving birth!!! 

4. Do you have to be so rough handling my newborn?!? I get you are desensitised due to handling them all day errday but I am careful like eggs so you should be too!

3. I just pushed out a 3 and a half kilo watermelon out of my vijay – yes I am going to walk carefully LIKE I AM IN PAIN! 

2. Give me the epidural! Either way I’m likely gonna get a snip anyway so I may as well make it a nice relaxing time a la Kourtney Kardashian. 

1. Just coz there’s proof of sex – does not mean you are allowed to talk about my sex life. Awks. 
And to that end…

No more babies for me thanks! 

At least till I make my first million 😂😂😂
Xx Joanna 

#TheRealMumsOfInstagram: TobyAnneDesigns

Meet TobyAnneDesigns! 

In another instalment of #TheRealMumsOfInstagram, we continue to meet another inspiring #mumpreneur. 

I always get so amazed by women and mums taking on their own little empires and Toby Anne Designs is another example. I speak with her to share with us a bit about her business journey and inspire you mamas out there who might be thinking in dabbling in your own business venture! 



1. Tell me your inspiration behind Toby Anne Designs? 

I have always had a passion for my childrens clothing – especially my first being a girl !

Being a mum of one and not working back then I had A LOT of spare time on my hands so would often spend hours sourcing gorgeous outfits for her. TobyAnne was born when I was running my other business page which was imported clothing. There was so many people selling the same items so I decided to take a leap and design my own and marketed it for the 4-12 years as the older girls are a huge gap in the market !

The Family

2. How do you juggle being a working mum life and kids? 

This is a tough one and not I can answer properly as im yet to discover a balance. I am trying ! But having two kids in fulltime school then going back for another baby obviously set us back a little, and there are days when I have a stack of guilt – Guilt if bubs is getting neglected, guilt if my business is getting neglected, its a very tough balancing act but im sure I will get there eventually !! I just remind myself to do what I can, prioritise and the rest can wait !

Jumpsuit and Hat from the new range

3. What’s the best thing that you have learned/gained from starting your

I love having something to call my own – an outlet that takes me away from my mum duties and housewife duties . Don’t get me wrong I love those duties, but im sure most  mums will understand the need to use your brain ! I have discovered there is an amazing world out there especially on instagram for childrens fashion and I LOVE  supporting working mums !

Leopard Maxi available now

4. What’s your tips/advice for those keen to start up their own business?

Do it ! What have you got to lose ! Taking a risk and the fear of failure
is what I find most people say stops them, but unless you never the risk youll never know ! Its so great to be able to work my own hours in my own home around my kids 🙂

5. Describe your new range and story behind it? 

The new range is a mix of boho pieces aswell in fashion piece like crops and blazers ! 

I love maxi skirts on little girls, and the boho look is something that looks amazing on my little girl. We have an amazing blazer being released that will smarten up any outfit, aswell as casual but smart skirts jumpsuits dresses and crop tops. 

6. Where can we find your designs? 

I currently sell on Facebook, IG and my website

As well as my first stockist Everythings Rosie which is a brick and mortar store in QLD and also an online store !


Mummy and Me Matching Maxis

TobyAnneDesigns can be found on Instagram @tobyannedesigns_

Check out their new range which also includes a mum and me matching pieces! 

Just to get a bit personal…

This week has been a hard week for me, hence why you probably haven’t heard much from me! As you know, I have gone back to uni full time, and it’s a hard slog with two babies. For real. This week I have 3 major assignments due and a sick little boy (who passed it on to me) and a heartbreak from a friend. It has been a bit of a roller coaster. 

The thing that I discovered thru these little battles is if you just keep going anyway, do what you gotta do and soldier on… They do work out. Whether that be just in how you feel about them or the problems do get solved, you get better and you feel better. 

I think as a mum, we are under a lot of pressure already to begin with, and add on the stress of things outside your family, and it makes for some highly emo days! 


As parents, we do it all anyway even when we don’t even want to get out of bed.

That’s what makes us a force to be reckoned with! And I’ll happily class myself under that..

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @mumstyleblogger

Xx Joanna 

Me & Tata: Meet Sara Frega

In this installment of #TheRealMumsOfInstagram, we meet Sara Frega,
mum of Salome, 3 and Lola, 1. 


She is also a mumpreneur extraordinaire:
she is the founder and creative director of baby wear brand Me & Tata,
which is not only 100% GOTS Certified organic and Eco friendly; they
are also super soft on baby’s skin and features modern designs and

Introducing 'Me&Tata"
Me&Tata’s Pure Collection



Want to win these pieces for your precious bundle? Read on to find out how! 
I came across the beautiful pieces via her Instagram page @meandtata and was truly inspired by not only her amazing skills at designing and producing these eco friendly  and baby friendly items, but to also keep up with two little ones is truly in its own a mammoth task! 
Sara is currently celebrating the release of her new “Pure” Collection, so I asked her to share a little bit about her Me & Tata journey. 

Tell us about Me And Tata?

Me&Tata is an Organic Kids clothing brand with a mission to give the best possible start to every baby. We design stylish and practical clothing for the modern parent who cares where their products come from and what impact it has on a bigger scale. 
Our brand started from our living room after my first daughter was born 3 years ago. While I was on maternity leave with my daughter Salome I kept thinking that I didn’t want to go back to my previous job as a Behavioural Scientist. I loved my work, I was working with kids from refugee background to help them settle into a new community. It was challenging and so rewarding. But after I had my daughter it just didn’t feel right anymore. 

So how did Me & Tata come about? 

 I have always been creative and love art and sewing. My mum is a seamstress, naturally my sister and I have always been around fabric, sewing machines and handmade clothes. 
I started sewing my baby’s clothes and loved sourcing the best quality of organic fabric and finding the most comfortable fit.  As demand grew and I started going to markets I knew I was onto something, and I loved it.
I started researching on ethical and GOTS certified manufacturers who would be able to produce our first collection. It took us over a year to find someone with our same vision. I was lucky to have an amazing team to support my vision of Me & Tata.  

How has motherhood changed you and inspired you?

Being a mum has made me a better and more aware person. I started Me & Tata thanks to my daughter. I wanted to be someone who would hopefully inspire her to be a more conscious consumer and who will ask where her clothes come from and how it impacts workers, families and the whole community.
I love being a working mum of course it’s challenging and I too, sometimes feel guilty for writing yet another email instead of going to the park. But it also gives me a sense of belonging to my ‘new me’ as a mum. 

To help Me & Tata celebrate their new “Pure” AW15 collection, we have partnered up to giveaway TWO pieces of your choice from the Pure collection! All you have to do is head over to my Instagram page @mumstyleblogger and follow the instructions! Make sure you are also following Me & Tata @meandtata! 
Visit Me & Tata’s website to learn more at 
Me & Tata are also stocked at the following stores:


EAST FREMANTLE –  Willow and the Bowerbird 

NORTHBRIDGE – Beau est Mien

SOUTH FREMANTLE – Vanilla Gifts & Homewares

KARRATHA – Bellyfruit

Perth – Max and Poppy



EAST GEELONG – Little Earth Nest



SYDNEY – Down that Little Lane



GOLD COAST – Organic Babe and Kids Wear



Little Earth Nest

Organic Babe and Kids Wear

Max and Poppy

We’re BFFs!

Something that I truly know for real that I both love and sometimes get down about is this: My kids are my best friends. 

Actually that is the most amazing thing, we love each other, we have fun, we have deep and meaningfuls (mostly with my four year old – and sometimes that can still be one sided 😂) and we love each other unconditionally. 

Besides this fact, what I get down about is the amount of friends that I have “lost touch” with, parted ways and drifted from since having my new BFFs. I think all mums can speak with me here when I say, your single, unattached friends live a different existence!!! 

Being the first of ANY of my friends, from ANY circle to be married and let alone have kids (or 2 for that fact) has its downsides. Yes it’s true I can’t just go out to restaurants and splash cash, get wined up or hit a bar. Heck I couldn’t even go out on a shopping spree for any other reason than groceries. Yes I might not be defined in the same lifestyle situation as you singletons but underneath the food stained, milk soaked robe, I am still the same person! 

I know we both have our lives, and yes it gets in the way, we all gotta do what we gotta do, so I don’t blame any of my “friends” that we have drifted away, as I’m sure they don’t blame me for not having time/energy/money. But at the end of the day I believe we will reconnect… When one of them FINALLY has a family – I’ll be waiting with arms wide open to help you brush your hair when the kids have beaten you. 

Until then I will enjoy this time with my kids as my one and only BFFs. ❤️❤️❤️



@mumstyleblogger – instagram

Stay down!!!

I have been MIA for a little while from the blog, but for good reason! As some of you may know, I have gone back to university. And how’s uni with two little ones you ask? 
Carter (age 14months) has just started going to child care three days a week, while I at uni, which is a great help, if not for the guilt and the sick feeling I get leaving him. If you have a child in day care you know what I mean! Isis started day care at a younger age (9 months) and I felt even guiltier then so it’s a feeling that never goes away be it 2 children or 5 I’m sure. 
So like I said, yes it’s a great help, but at the same time, I still can’t seem to get all my work done. There’s just not enough hours in the day for us mums is there??? 
One thing that we are working on is getting Carter to stay down. Every night, after the kefaffle with dinner and bath etc, I turn my computer on and lay out my work ready to tackle as soon as the kids are asleep. 
Carter sleeps. I escape. 
Within 30 minutes he’s up. 😱 
Restart. He sleeps. I escape. 
Within 30 minutes he’s running out the room screaming mama like he’s seen a ghost. 😱😱
It’s by this time in tired. I’m seeing double. So I got to put him down for the last time and more often than not, I go down like a sack of bricks too. 
And there’s another night of “attempting” my school work. 
I didn’t have this problem with Isis so it’s proving to be difficult territory. 
Any mums out there have any tips? Surely you have a 14 month old that still doesn’t go down???? 
Help me get this kid to stay down!!!! 
Comment below, follow my blog and on Instagram! 

#TheRealMumsOfInstagram Episode 1 

When I set about on my search for some mum stories, I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of responses I received. Not only because I felt it was amazing that I could in fact reach  real mums from all over Oz and connect with them somehow, but also because for one reason or another, they did feel they had a story to share and to share them with me nonetheless is nothing short of humbling. 
The variations of stories I have received so far has been incredible and really makes me see that despite our different lifestyles, parenting abilities, family makeup etc we all have one thing in common – we are all mums with the same goals. 
For the first #TheRealMumsOfInstagram episode, I have chosen a story that stood out over the rest. For the purpose of Anonymity, some details have been changed or omitted. Here’s her story. 
Real Mum #1 is a twenty something first time mum to a gorgeous little girl whom she and her husband of four years dote on. They call the eastern suburbs of Melbourne home, where she also works and studies on the side. As a hobby, she likes to sing, hike and paint. 
Firstly, tell me about the number ones in your life?

My darling daughter is a ray of sunshine, she is a delight to be around. She loves to talk and appreciates the little things in life. She is quirky and fun. A very intuitive and loving child, always looking out for the people and things she cares about. She is very vocal and speaks her mind but isn’t afraid to be doing things on her own too. She loves to dance! And not some dainty little jig, she will absolutely shake her little booty off. She smiles with her eyes and it brightens up our lives :). She completes us. 

And by “us” I’m guessing you are referring to your husband, tell me about him? 

He is the love of my life, soul mate, best friend, well-wisher, mentor, my all. He brings the best out of me. We have the mutual trust and respect for each other and that’s really important. Love may come and go but we remind each other even through the down, that we mean so much to each other. I see how a father should be to his daughter and he is the definition of that in my books. He is a wonderful husband, but an amazing father :). 

So tell me about your life before kids? 

My life prior to meeting my husband and becoming a mother was not a happy one. I came from a domestic violence background. My father was very abusive towards my mother and I. I endured childhood sexual abuse by my father for 6 years from a tender age of 6 and couldn’t confide in anyone let alone my mother. My mother and I had a near escape by running away and starting fresh. Life wasn’t always happy for me because going through puberty made me understand what I went through and paranoia set in. I hated men, but my mum refused to put me in an all girls school. I hated her at the time but it’s the best decision she made. I was bullied at school and had very low self esteem. I hardly came to school because I felt useless, I had no idea where I belonged. My year 7/8 coordinator clearly saw something different and helped me out. My parents divorced at the end of year 8 and that was my turning point. I still hadn’t confronted my deep rooted fears and didn’t have many friends. When year 12 results came out, I wasn’t in a good place at all and my results showed. However, with the support from my mother, who by the way is my role model, enrolled in the course I wanted and made a comeback. I had to start low but build my way up. I realised not all men are bad and learned to speak up, voice my opinion. More importantly I had people who I could trust and call my friends. At 20, I met my husband who is 3 years older than me and he was the best thing that happened to me by far. He helped me build up my self esteem, made me believe and love by my values and made me realise when one trusts and loves his/herself first, they’ll learn to trust and love others.

How is life now as a mother yourself?

I count my life as a mother a blessing. I never imagined becoming pregnant due to the prolonged abuse, let alone be a wife and have a family of my own. It’s taught me to never take things or people you value and love for granted and to seize every opportunity life throws at you. Everyday isn’t perfect but I have a choice to make it so and that’s what I do. I wake up every morning and choose to be the person I am and I am very proud of it. 

What was your expectation of motherhood beforehand?

I always loved being around kids and wanted a child/children of my own but didn’t know how I’d cope. I didn’t want to do unjust by the child by dragging him/her into my waves of problems. Becoming a mother has been a dream come true and not many people realise why. 

Has motherhood changed you?

Becoming a mother isn’t easy, I got a lot of “oh don’t worry, that’s all part of it” or “get used to it, it is bound to get worse.” The first 3 months was very difficult and I used to get into the typical, no one understands me mode. But my daughter made the journey so pleasant, her smiles, cuddles, touches and nuzzles all made up for my negative emotions. That’s when it clicked, I am not being the person I promised to be, I was not being myself, I lost trust in me. Once I started pushing the expectation and what society thinks out, I realised what motherhood truly was. I cried with my daughter, I walked with her, I laughed with her, screamed with her, loved with her and fell in love with her. She became my best friend. I may be her mother, but she still has a choice in how she lives her life. Parents forget to be their children’s friend, as my mother was. Remember when we are older, our kids look after us, they become our parents. Leading by example is the best way to bond with oneself and other and in this case, my daughter. 

Is there any regrets or downsides to motherhood? 

None what so ever. Whatever pain and torment I went through, I am not defined by it. My experience merely shaped me as a person and I changed it positively to suit my values.

What do you feel are your strengths as a parent and what do you think you can improve on? 

My strengths are understanding and appreciating my weaknesses and not afraid to ask help when needed. I want to be a super mum but I realise I am not always perfect. 

To improve on, I stress tremendously over little things. I have to learn to let go and that it is ok if things don’t work out as planned.

What are your hopes and dreams for the future? Any plans?

My only dream and hope is that my children treats everyone fairly, never jump to conclusion about someone before getting to know them and their circumstances. To enjoy simple pleasures in life and respect nature. To love selflessly and never expect anything in return. 

We are adopting our second child and will be underway with the process by our daughter’s next birthday :-). 

What’s the best parenting advice you would like to share with the mums reading this? 

“Take it slow and embrace it all. Take in every moment because it goes by too quickly!” Best advice my mother ever gave me. 

Some quotes as well:

“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” – Albert Einstein 

“There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies. My brain and heart are my temples; my philosophy is kindness.” – Dalai Lama

Is there a charity or cause you would like to raise awareness of? 

I am currently volunteering with an organisation called Big Brothers Big Sisters. This organisation works with children who have come from traumatic backgrounds whether it be parents who are substance abusers, domestic violence, sexual abuse, bullying, foster care. I will be soon mentoring a little sister and look forward to inspiring and motivating her in the best way I can. 

Any final words? 

Joanna, this is a wonderful initiative and I am extremely interested in all your future creative thoughts you are willing to share. Thank you for this opportunity. Little things such as this connects people from different corners which in turn makes a huge impact, big or little difference in everyone’s lives. Well done!

Thank you so much for your honest and real response. It’s very brave of you to want to share this with me and other mums. And thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell your story, I really believe we may help even just one person who may be/had gone thru similar experiences

If you or someone you know needs to talk about personal issues, call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or see a trusted practitioner such as your GP. If you are concerned over immediate safety please call 000. 
Thanks for reading. 


So what’s it all about? 

I started my blogging journey when I realised I did nothing for myself – I was just a mum and that’s all I did. I needed a creative and social outlet and most of all to belong somewhere: and so @mumstyleblogger was born. 
I have been so amazed at this little mummy community within Instagram, full of passionate mums, who not only leave their legacy within their children, but also in the various ways they are impacting this world. Whether that be through their home businesses or blogging or by simply sharing snippets of their life for all to see and hopefully find a connection in. It is within these mummy feeds I saw a potential to not only reach out, but empower more women to speak out and be real. 
We all have a story to share and that’s what #TheRealMumsOfInstagram is about. 
In the first episode, we will meet a first time mum, who has chosen to remain anonymous. We hope her powerful story of courage and resilience can reach those who had or may be experiencing  similar horrors in their life or someone close to them. 
Her story will up on the blog in the next few days.
Until then x Joanna 

Mums – this one is for you! 


A beautiful place filled with beautiful people and their beautiful lives in their beautiful houses and perfectly manicured lawns and perfectly polished outfits and perfectly behaved kids. You know who I’m talking about. We love to follow them and we love to envy them and we’d love to be them. 

I’m calling this “the anti-glam mama movement”. Right here in this space that you are reading resides only the real mums.  

The mums who haven’t had a shower in days just coz there’s far more important things to get thru. 
The mums who cannot resist the urge to spend all their money on stuff for the kids and is still wearing the same clothes from before the kids were even born. 
Let’s give praise to these mamas because they are overlooked! They don’t have shiny, perfectly curated Instagram feeds. They don’t have designer threads or on point eyebrows to show off. And they definitely don’t have thousands plus followers.
 But they do need to be recognised! 
So here’s your badge of honour and formal recognition. YOU ARE AWESOME! Keep up the great work raising the humans of tomorrow and I promise, you will get to brush your hair again one day! ✌️

This is art?!

So if you have a toddler or kinder aged child, you will know this dilemma. My gorgeous daughter has really been into drawing, painting, collage-making, colouring – anything artsy really.

I’m impressed at her work and her skills, especially the first time she drew a stick person and It actually looked like a person and not some sort of creature from the deep. She creates an array of crafts at day care too and she excitedly bring them home to show them off. Some of the stuff is amazing and truly I wouldn’t be crafty enough myself to think of these things to make with her! Things made out of toilet paper rolls, clay, patty cases, you name it.

We display her artwork proudly and praise her and encourage her.

Now the problem is the ummmm… “duds”.
From this thing:


To this:


And a bit of this:


They’re not exactly Monet or Van Gogh! Unfortunately the amount of duds produced compared to the cute is very uneven. So here I am, as a supportive and loving mother, faced with the dilemma of keeping a mountain of incomprehensible junk!

Ok so I’m not gonna lie, I will pray my one year old gets to it and I can blame him, or I will stash it somewhere she will never remember and when I can pounce – it’s in the bin. Although I must say the latter hasn’t worked as well as the first: Many times I have been caught with her artwork in a bag of rubbish, which is then met with squeals of “Mummy! My drawing I made for you! It’s in the rubbish!!!” Here’s some excuses to rotate between:
1. “Oh no baby Daddy/Carter must’ve put it there!”
2. “Oh no baby it must’ve been with mummy’s old paperwork!”
3. “Oh no baby I told you to tidy your things up!”
…(General gist is to re-route the blame)
Unfortunately, the above excuses do not solve the situation. Aaaaaaaaaaaand it’s back on the shelf.

Time to repeat the farce.

So mamas, you have seen just a small selection of the bad artwork, let’s give praise to the ones that do make the cut.





Now I would love to see your kids’ artwork, both good and bad! Post them up on IG and hashtag #MSBKidsArt

Don’t forget to click FOLLOW on my blog, as well as Instagram @mumstyleblogger and Twitter @mrsjoannaross

x Joanna